

4715 Uppsatser om Media hype - Sida 1 av 315

Hype inför produktlanseringar : En studie om konsumentbeteende hos Generation Y

Hype är inte ett nytt fenomen. Historiskt sett kan man identifiera flera produktlanseringar som lyckats skapa en hype bland människor. Vare sig det handlar om en spontan reaktion eller skicklig marknadsföring återstår det faktum att vissa produkter sprids betydligt mer än andra. Detta tycks leda till ett speciellt beteende hos konsumenterna..

Hur kunde det ske? : en studie av myndigheter och medias berättelser om ?fallet Louise?

2007, Swedish television, ?Uppdrag granskning,? aired their story about ?Louise? from Vetlanda. A drug dependent father had gotten custody of his daughter and sexually abused her from the age of 10 to 15. The local social services got several notifications about Louise suffering of negligence, and did investigate the family several times without taking any actions to protect her. At one time, father and daughter were living in his trailer placed in a gravel pit, and the police worried about her and called social services, because it was below cero degrees outside.

Kan den hydrologiska modellen S-HYPE användas för att beräkna grundvattennivåer med tillräcklig noggrannhet?

Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU) ansvarar för den nationella övervakningen av grundvattennivåer. I Grundvattennätet finns drygt 300 mätstationer där grundvattennivåer observeras två gånger varje månad. Grundvattensituationen i Sverige och grundvattenmagasinens fyllnadsgrad presenteras med kartor som konstrueras med data från de uppmätta grundvattennivåerna. För att öka detaljgraden i kartorna syftade detta arbete till att undersöka om beräkningar från den hydrologiska beräkningsmodellen S-HYPE kunde användas för att fylla ut med data där mätningar inte finns tillgängliga. Arbetet utfördes genom korrelationsanalyser mellan uppmätta och beräknade grundvattennivåer för att avgöra noggrannheten i S-HYPEs beräkningar av grundvattennivåer.

Modellering av vattenflöden samt kväve- och fosforkoncentrationer från Krycklans avrinningsområde med HYPE-modellen

HYPE-modellen utvecklades som ett hjälpmedel för att uppfylla målet om att alla svenska vattendrag ska ha uppnått åtminstone god ekologisk status år 2015, enligt EU:s ramdirektiv för vatten. I HYPE-modellen delas avrinningsområdet in i markklasser, som definieras utifrån kombinationen av jordart och markanvändning/marktäckeklass. I modellen finns det många parametrar. Vissa av dem är generella för ett större område eller kan hämtas ifrån tidigare forskning, medan andra måste kalibreras för varje avrinningsområde. De parametrar som kalibreras beror i de flesta fall antingen av jordart eller av markanvändning eller marktäckeklass.Syftet i den här undersökningen var att kalibrera HYPE-modellen för ett mindre avrinningsområde samt undersöka avrinningsvägar och utvärdera den utförda kalibreringen.

Produkthype: En fallstudie (En kvalitativ undersökning om vad som ligger bakom en produkthype)

To identify the underlying forces behind a product hype is difficult and the findings often seem random and unclear. To create a better understanding behind the affecting mechanisms would consequently be a valuable addition to the surrounding research area. The purpose of this paper is to understand if there exist common denominators between different product hypes and in such a case, which these are and how they function. By conducting a case-study on four products which have enjoyed immense sale success on the Swedish market, the possible presence of structural resemblance will be analyzed. From the study we can conclude common denominators such as the presence of an underlying trend and an overbalance of indirect decision basis do exist.

Förbättring av kväveretentionsprocesser i sjöar i HYPE-modellen

Hur stor den naturliga kväveavskiljningen är från utsläpp av kväve tills att utsläppet når havet, är väldigt svårt att mäta. Den procentuella avskiljningen, skillnaden mellan brutto- och nettobelastning även kallad retention, skattas därför ofta med vattenkvalitetsmodeller som försöker beskriva de naturliga processer som sker. Beräkningsmodellerna är en förenklad beskrivning av verkligheten och ett hjälpmedel för att få en överblick över t.ex. närsaltsbelastning och retention i ett område.I svenska vatten, sker kväverening främst i sjöar, genom denitrifikation, dvs omvandling av oorganiskt kväve i form av nitrat till kvävgas och permanent sedimentering av föreningar som innehåller oorganiska och organiska kväve. Därför är det viktigt att beskriva processer i sjöar adekvat om trovärdiga modeller för att förutsäga flöden av kväve ska utvecklas och användas.Målet med projektet har varit att förbättra resultatet för beräkning av kväveavskiljning i sjöar för storskalig modellering med S-HYPE främst med avseende på denitrifikation men också i djupare sjöar där modellen idag överskattar kväveavskiljningen.

Mainstream eller alternativ? : Mediesyn och medieanvändning hos grupper inom sociala rörelser

ABSTRACTPurpose/aim: Are there any differences between how ?old? and ?young? groups within social movements in Sweden view (value) and use alternative and mainstream media?Material/method: The answer to the research problem is sought by conducting qualitative research interviews with representatives of four different groups: Alternativ Stad, Folkkampanjen mot Kärnkraft-Kärnvapen, Attac Sverige and Ingen Människa är Illegal. The theoretical framework consists of research on social movements, especially on their relation to media, and on alternative media.Main results: There exist some, but not great, differences between how ?old? and ?young? groups view and use mainstream and alternative media. The differences are relatively small when it comes to views on media and somewhat larger concerning media use.

Identifiering av fosfatfosfors käll- och flödesfördelning i ett litet jordbruksområde

Eutrophication of lakes and streams are nowadays a well known environmental problem and implies an enrichment of the nutrients phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). Phosphorus is considered to be the most important component for the growth of aquatic plants and leads in too large quantities to an intensification of growth. Phosphate (PO4) is the fraction of phosphorus that can easiest be taken up by plants and thus have the greatest impact on eutrophication. Increased plant growth in lakes and unfavorable conditions for aquatic animals are two examples of negative consequences. A significant portion of the increased nutrient supply to nearby water can be derived to phosphate leaching from agricultural areas, where private sewers and agriculture is two main sources.

Kritisk mediekompetens i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie av åtta medielärares ämneskonstruktion utifrån begreppen protect, promote och empower

This paper describes how teachers of media view and construct their subjects. Eight teachers have been interviewed about their views and opinions about the media environment, their goals for media education as well as their opinions about the different course plans used in media education. The term Media Literacy works as a theoretical starting point for the study, since Media Literacy is the goal for most media education. The teachers? answers have been analyzed by using three different approaches to media education: protection, promotion and empowerment.

"Ölhallen" - en hjälp i nyhetsarbetet : En kvalitativ studie av några nyhetsjournalister och sociala medier

This is a qualitative study of how some journalists on the Swedish national media are using social media in news work. The study, carried out by using interviews, also covers how these journalists' work is influenced by social media. For the journalists in the study social media has become a tool to do research, get news ideas and find interviewees. At the same time social media affects the work of the journalists, as the social media increases the speed of news and flow of information. Even though they involve some challenges, social media facilitates news work and the journalists in this study have a positive attitude towards the phenomenon.Keywords: Social media, news journalism, the national media..

Sociala medier i Kina : En studie om användningen av sociala medier i en diktatur

The current research examined whether motives, traditional mass media consumption and individual differences (social activity and political interest) predicted the use of social media among a group of university students in China. In coherence with Uses and Gratifications assumptions the study found that the factors differentially predicted the extent of media use. Information seeking, social interaction and affinity were the main reasons for using social media. There was a negative correlation between television viewing and use of social media, in addition to a negative correlation between information seeking and use of the media. Results further suggest that social media are used to enhance social capital, since student?s being socially active offline, tend to use the media to a greater extent than those less active..

?Det är svårt att hinna med allt?- : en studie av synen på ett vidgat textbegrepp i samband med skönlitteraturundervisningen

The purpose of this study was to examine the usage and occurrence of media literacy in relation to literature studies in the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. The questions at issue were;How do teachers and students look upon media literacy and how is this attitude reflected in their education?How do teachers incorporate media literacy with literature studies?What attitudes do students have towards their teachers? education of media literacy and literature studies?The study took place in two cities in Sweden. It consists of eighteen qualitative interviews with six teachers and twelve students. The study shows that teachers have different attitudes towards media education in relation to literature studies.

Outsourcing till Indien : För små och medelstora företag

Outsourcing has grown more so than any other sector of IT services. According to a research by the analytic company Gartner soon four of ten jobs in the IT sector will be outsourced. For a nation like Sweden that means about 40,000 jobs going abroad. Business managers look to outsourcing as a means of reducing their operating cost and their need for capital spending. Companies turn to outsourcing to save money and seek expertise outside.

En kommunikationsgeting: En kvalitativ studie i hur ett medtech-företag ska använda sig av sociala medier

Today, social media is used mostly by people in their private life. However, companies are more and more tapping into the area of social media. To this date, mostly B2C companies have been successful in their social media strategies. This qualitative thesis aims to investigate how B2B companies can benefit from using social media as a means to communicate and build relations with their customers. The medtech industry has been chosen as the object of study.Through depth interviews with people in the medtech industry and social media experts, data has been collected in order to answer the questions of (1) how ready customers in the medtech industry are to receive information through social media and (2) how companies can build the best possible social media strategy.

Mediernas trojanska häst : en positionsanalys av den mediekritiska genren

The communication and mediation of information and news has, under the latest decades, increased into an incalculable amount. In the newsflow that has come up it has become more and more urgent to sort and select the relevant and correct news. Simultaneously as the information has become one of the most important goods for the western world, the criticism against media has become more loudvoiced and especially the criticism aims at the fact that publicness has become less public and the public conversation is nowadays filtrated through media. The American Joey Skaggs can be reckoned among with the group of media critics, but his course of action and methods to reach out with his critical view, stand out strikingly from the traditional media critics. Instead of, as most, aiming the criticism against media, from an outside perspective, Skaggs chooses to attack the media from the inside.

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